Point 7 - Things to Consider
Things to Consider
An enigma could be incorporated into my video as there is already a sense of ambiguity within the song, and I could build on this to encourage feelings of mystery in the audience. The song leaves it open to interpretation as to whether the artist has split up from his girlfriend, or whether his girlfriend has passed away. This makes the song relatable to a wider audience, and builds an emotional connection with more people. I can lean heavily on the idea that his girlfriend has passed, while leaving out how or why she has died. This should create a sense of mystery and enigma, encouraging viewers to watch on.
Black and White vs Colour
A colour wash, be it black and white or a yellow 80s esque filter would be applicable to my video to simulate an older, historic film setting. This would perhaps increase the nostalgic feeling in my video, as well as help to display a sound editing ability.
Camera and editing
A variety of camera angles will increase the quality of my video. In terms of editing, each new shot will be in with the beat. A yellow 80s esque colour wash may be edited in on top to replicate an older time.
Lip syncing and convincing performance
I will have my star actor lip syncing the song, as well as playing parts of it on the piano.
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